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Monday again?

Last week was pretty good for me.

I worked out five times. My goal was six because I thought I had a session on Saturday, turned out I didn't.
I didn't do a good job of eating well though. I hope to rectify that this week, well, starting tonight cos I did soak some garri with sugar at 1am when I couldn't sleep. It kept calling me, calling me, calling me.

I was good about making my bed during the week, but on the weekends not so much.

I didn't empty my sink daily..oops. And I doubt I will be good about this week cos my sink is presently full of pots. I cooked last night: I made a salad for my dinners - red cabbage, lettuce, carrots and sweet bell peppers which I plan to dress up with chicken, tuna or eggs and have for dinner. I had planned to grill some chicken on the grill outside during the weekend but I got caught up and Sunday was so cold that I didn't even bother. I probably won't get home until after dark so I guess I will be using the George Foreman grill instead.

Weekend Projects
I hung up all my curtains. The room looks different, not sure yet if it is blocking out the draft or not. Yesterday was a pretty cold night, I was very tempted to turn on the heat but I thought of that $100+ bill plus the fact that I bought that mirrored chest when I really wasn't supposed to and I didn't. I just pulled on my fleece and hid under my comforter. Hehe.

I did my little art project. It came out really odd. I don't know if it is fixable.

I finally got 2/3 of my canvases stretched. The third one developed some major issues. I did take it with me and it sat in my car for an hour and half so maybe the cold shrunk it cos when I got home all the wood I had measured so well at Home Depot turned out to be way too big! I was perplexed. I might throw that thing in frame if it doesn't behave. For real selector. But the others turned out ok.

I did cook for the week. The aforementioned salad. A chicken stir fry with red cabbage (i had two heads of it! and am trying to stop wasting food. I already spent my food budget on that chest...hehe), bell peppers, tomatoes and frozen vegetables. I plan to eat that with some kind of beans, trying to cut back on my rice intake. I also made a recipe from Eating Well using the cauliflower that I bought last weekend. It was alright, the rice was a bit too soggy (but I didn't fry it as I was told too) and it could stand to be a bit more spicy. However, I didn't have half the ingredients and just used curry instead. I love curry. Makes everything taste 1000 times better.

And I went to church and it was awesome. One thing I have noticed about my walk with God is that no matter what church I go to, I always hear a word that is relevant to my life or situation. The church I decided to go to is doing a series on debt. I took avid notes. Nothing earthshattering really but it was still very useful and I am glad I went. They are starting a women's study group on Sunday afternoons, I signed up for that cos I need to start meeting people.

When I get home I hope to post my pictures. Am at work and my lunch break is almost over. Why do good things end so quickly?


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