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Bright lights in the big city...

I finally went to Las Vegas. It wasn't a pleasure trip. I was sent by my boss to learn how to code better and make money so really most of my time was spent in a teaching class and i am very proud to say that I didn't fall asleep once.

I did get a chance to go for a spot of sightseeing after the class. I really dragged my feet but eventually at around 6pm, I was ready to leave the hotel. The hotel where I stayed was close to the monorail and bus so getting to the strip was super easy. I bought a 24 hour pass and I was good. My initial plan was to go to Bellagio and see the water show, the conservatory and then from there go to the outlet shops to see what i could see. However, and these people who built the monorail are very very brillant people, in fact, they need to get a genius grant for being good at separating tourists and their money because I was completely derailed once I got off the train at the stop for Bally's. As you, my one beloved reader, may or may not know, I have been searching desperately for this shoe:
Jessica Simpson Marcie wedge in blue suede:

which is to be the perfect complement to my aso ebi that I plan to wear for a friend's wedding in May. (Aso ebi in pure yoruba means family clothes/material. In the past, family members would buy and sew the same material for an event. However, all that has changed with modern times and all and mostly friends, close friends, close enemies, pure strangers and whoever got d cash, buy and sew the material if invited ). 

The shoe was basically sold out everywhere in my size. I became a true no size in London. When I saw the shop Satisfy my sole I thought maybe they would have my shoe so I walked in and almost never made it out again. Wow. I saw so many shoes I liked it was ridiculous, the price for some of those shoes were even more ridiculous. I got a great deal! 3 shoes, one by L.A.M.B, one by BCBG, and a random shoe all for less than $100. I was too happy! Am still pretty high off the coup. 

I was there so long that even the storekeepers were making fun of me. But who cared, I was a woman on a mission. It gets better. So i finally fought my way out of the jungle of shoes calling and begging me to take them home bought my shoes and left. I kept looking for the Bellagio but it was across the street from where i was and i couldn't figure out how to cross. I kept walking forward and ended up in another jungle, err mall. Again, I began searching for my shoes. I found something very ok exactly similar in Bebe but as always they didn't have my size. I kept trekking away  and next i know, I was in Wild Pair and the next I know, I found my shoes, one in turquoise, and the other in the exact shade of blue I was looking for. The turqoise was more true to the inspiration, it had the thin strap and etc, while the blue was closer to the color i had envisioned AND the price was lower. The very lovely, wonderful, kind storekeeper, named Marc found my shoes (after first admonishing me for being so negative, what can i say, i had been turned down and rejected for so long that i had come to believe that the shoe wasn't made for a size ten feet like mine). anyway, he found mah SHOE and I was high for the rest of the night. I had a fun time in that store. I tried on that shoe several times. Even though I knew in my heart of hearts it was a done deal, I tried to talk myself out of it because i was feeling a bit impulsive and crazy and giddy from spending so much money in such a short span of time. Be that as it may, those shoes were going home with ME. I must say this, maybe cos most people are not from vegas or the copious amt of alcohol but strangers sure are friendly in vegas. i had many an aider and abettor in my quest to acquire shoes. Anyway, this chick took it upon herself to convince me to buy my shoes. It was hilarious to no end. I had a blast and i bought my shoes. I can't wait to put the outfit together. I already ordered the cluctch from ASOS. I think i am overdoing the blue thing so i need for my accessories to be not blue. No clue yet. pink faux diamond earrings??? pink cocktail ring? gold accessories? no idea. I do know that my hair is going to be a huge fro and i need to get the skin on my legs glowing. and oh yeah, have to lose my belly and get my arms and legs super toned. 

i must look hot! This is my coming out party so to speak. I am working hard on reinventing myself and i can't wait to show off the effort. 

i have to be very serous about my workout from here on out. So I went to Gap and I tried on their pants, and I could fit in their size 8 pants. The storekeeper, another marc rei'marc was extremely nice and helpful to me. 

The mere fact that i could fit in the size 8 pants has been a great motivator. I know there is lots of room for improvement but i feel encouraged, because the scale and how I felt was not correlating at all.  I have decided to work at it for the next two months. My diet is still going to be a struggle but in looking over my old workout logs, i learrned that i was really pushing myself back then. I was talking about doing 5 mile workouts and running on the treadmill at much higher speeds than i have been doing now. i am very capable and i need to stop babying myself. 

I am falling asleep as I type. damn southwest for not letting me fly standby. 

I will continue this later. 


Unknown said…
wait!! do we get to see a picture of the shoe? please share? I would love to see it. Besides, I didnt even know you found something.

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