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Writing life...

And just like that the last day of November is upon us.

And I am happy to report that I did it, I completed the first rough draft of my second novel. Finally: after seven years of putting this story down and picking it up; after several months of trying to put words to paper and always finding a reason to procrastinate; I did it. I can now cross that off my list of goals for 2012. 

Of course I have a lot of work to do still, lots and lots of editing, lots more research. The novel is set in Lagos, Miami and Ibadan, with the exception of Miami, I know next to nothing about those cities so I need to go visit, maybe I will be fortunate enough to spend a month in Nigeria and two weeks in Miami.
But be that as it may, I am very glad that I took part in the NaNoWriMo writing challenge. It worked for me because I was ready to finally write this thing, and 2) i love a challenge, and I felt that I was letting down someone if I didn't sit down and write my words for the day. 

I have been using an productivity app called Remember The Milk to help me with my life and my novel. I was going to write about it last week but um yeah, I was distracted by food. But anyway, I love it. I used it to keep track of scenes or other things I wanted to expand on as I was writing. I love lists, and I love crossing things off lists, it just makes me feel very accomplished so I loved this app. Of course, I am way behind on a thousand things right now so I am not loving the app right now. 

Speaking of to do lists and being behind: my house is a total disaster. I haven't cleaned or put away laundry in a while so I am pretty much living in chaos and I am sick of it. I am supposed to be moving out this month, although truth be told, I had already started moving in October so my entire kitchen is boxed up. I guess this will be a weekend of packing and figuring out movers and things. 


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