Sorry I've been absent. Had a few things on my mind lately, mainly a bout of recriminations and self accusations. For some reason, all my past mistakes were playing in HD in my head and I was seriously down on myself, searching myself, wondering if my response at the time was right. This mind of mine tends to remember the things that are long forgotten by others, while forgetting the things I need to survive the day to day. But I digress. I wondered if these thoughts were condemnation from the devil who is known to accuse the brethren over and over again of sins already forgiven and forgotten by the Lord God, or conviction from the Holy Spirit for me to search my heart and repent of my sins. I am still not clear. I keep hearing love covereth a multitude of sins , and I know that that is my weakness. I am too quick to write people off, too quick to anger, too slow to forgive. I've been hurt so much that I tend to over react sometimes to prevent myself from being taken adva...
my life as me.