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I had the urge this morning to find a friend of mine. I last spoke to him early this year and we had exchanged numbers and e-mail addresses but then, I lost my phone and could not for the life of me remember his e-mail address. I googled him and everything but still could not find his e-mail address.

So, I gave up the quest and went on my way. Gave my sister a ride to Brighton and then tried to get home. Every single path I took had traffic. It was horrendous. What should have been a half hour ride became an hour. With the heat, and the crazy Boston drivers, I felt like I was in Lagos. I was to go to the Arboreteum but bcause of the traffic and heat and unforeseeen length of the journey home, i gave up on that and instead decided to go to Home Depot. I love Home Depot, it's one of my favorite stores. But i digress. So the nephew and i began to wander aimlessly down the aisles, I really had no concrete plans to buy anything. I was hoping to get some paint samples, maybe a wrench so I could finally change my showerhead. Something made me look back and there he was, my friend! So amazing.

Actually, this happens to me, not often enough to be commonplace but enough for me to wonder what force is at work. My friends never believe me when I tell them that I was just thinking about them when they called. It also happens with my sisters.

Does this happen to anyone else out there?

I proposed a hypothesis once that whenever I think of someone out of nowhere like that, it must mean that they are thinking of me as well. Wonder if that is valid.


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