"And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” --Jeremiah 29:7 This verse really struck a chord with me when I read it. Moving to El Paso was not my first choice. All throughout residency, especially that last year, what sustained me was knowing that soon, I would be done with hard work and poverty and I could finally enjoy the beautiful city of Miami. The sun, the beach, the sun, the beach! But this was not to be for me. As graduation approached, I searched high and low for a job. Interviews were scarce, and the few that I went on had fierce competition. I went on two or three interviews where I was certain I would for sure get the position, only to hear that the position had gone to someone else. Needless to say, I felt rejected. I couldn't even mourn publicly because my friends were the one getting the jobs that I so wanted, to mourn for me, would be, I felt, seen a...