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Showing posts from June, 2006

He did it again...

On Saturday, I was invited to go to church with a new friend. The funny thing was, all last year I had been praying to be invited to this particular church. It was the church of my ex. We broke up on bad terms and i wanted, needed him to still be my friend but he was not even trying to talk to me. I accepted the invitation, all the while thinking to myself, girl, where were you when i needed you last year. I woke up Sunday morning in a panic. I could not go to that church, what was i thinking? Although, my ex was no longer in this state (i think) and more than likely would not be there, i was afraid to go. I called my other new friend up to cancel and she was so gracious that I changed my mind again. Anyway sha, I was glad I went because i came to the realization that I am spiritually starved. Why? The sermon was so delicious to me and hit all the right spots. However, I know that if i had been going to church on a regular basis, I would have been like what kind of sermon is this? wh...


I had the urge this morning to find a friend of mine. I last spoke to him early this year and we had exchanged numbers and e-mail addresses but then, I lost my phone and could not for the life of me remember his e-mail address. I googled him and everything but still could not find his e-mail address. So, I gave up the quest and went on my way. Gave my sister a ride to Brighton and then tried to get home. Every single path I took had traffic. It was horrendous. What should have been a half hour ride became an hour. With the heat, and the crazy Boston drivers, I felt like I was in Lagos. I was to go to the Arboreteum but bcause of the traffic and heat and unforeseeen length of the journey home, i gave up on that and instead decided to go to Home Depot. I love Home Depot, it's one of my favorite stores. But i digress. So the nephew and i began to wander aimlessly down the aisles, I really had no concrete plans to buy anything. I was hoping to get some paint samples, maybe a wrench s...

He loves me...

My exam is literally around the corner. I decided to figure out how to get to the testing site yesterday. The thing is, i haven’t had a car for the past month or so - some drunk person smashed into the back of my baby while it was jejely parked on the street. Since i didn’t have full coverage on my car, the damage was not covered by insurance and i did not get the added perk of a rental car. So i have been busing it for the past month. All I can say about busing it is Worcester is, thank God we at least have a transportation system. (i miss boston! a bus every ten minutes until late at night (12am not 9pm maybe), i was so busy envying nyc that i never knew i was living in heaven!). So, I went to find the place. First, I took the wrong bus. Apparently, the bus i got on only services that area on the weekends and i am not good at map reading so while i thought that the bus would at least pass near to where i was going, the truth of the matter was that the bus did not even go anywhere nea...

speaking of lagbaja and delayed gratification...

so excited! i discovered that the video to lagbaja's never far away is on youtube. this definitely made my day of dreary studying that much brighter. another positive: realizing that there ARE other nigerians of like minds out there. even though i may never interact with them, i no longer feel so alone. but more on that later. (yes, my life is all about later, later, later because the now is all about passing one exam or the other...) enjoy:

The Saga Continues...

I guess I can only post one entry a month or something. Well, as of two fridays ago, I took my last clinical exam! oops i meant basic sciences . I was not able to feel relieved, excited or light like a air filled balloon because I still have my boards to take. I was going to be hard core and take in on June 9th but then I began to doubt my test taking abilities and decided to push it to the future. Whatever happens, I still have time to enjoy my life before third year begins. I can't believe that I am about to begin the second half of the year. Rather, that I have begun the second half of the year 2006. I am not able to do a good recap of the year thus far because quite frankly i have not been keeping up with my journal (paper that is). I do know that now that I feel settled about my academic life, my thoughts have turned increasingly to my emotional life - in short, i have been hit with an overwhelming desire to get married. It's funny to me that I feel this way. When I was t...