On Saturday, I was invited to go to church with a new friend. The funny thing was, all last year I had been praying to be invited to this particular church. It was the church of my ex. We broke up on bad terms and i wanted, needed him to still be my friend but he was not even trying to talk to me. I accepted the invitation, all the while thinking to myself, girl, where were you when i needed you last year. I woke up Sunday morning in a panic. I could not go to that church, what was i thinking? Although, my ex was no longer in this state (i think) and more than likely would not be there, i was afraid to go. I called my other new friend up to cancel and she was so gracious that I changed my mind again. Anyway sha, I was glad I went because i came to the realization that I am spiritually starved. Why? The sermon was so delicious to me and hit all the right spots. However, I know that if i had been going to church on a regular basis, I would have been like what kind of sermon is this? wh...