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The Cheat Reflex

Wunmi looked in on her mother and her two sister in laws, Bukky, the wife of her older brother and Kike. They smiled at her briefly and concentrated on their task at hand. She greeted her mother. “Pele Wunmi. How was church?” “It was good mommy.” “I thank God for Sunday because that's the only time we see you in this house.” “Yes ma.”  She said. Wunmi could see from the look on her mother's face, and the subdued way her sisters in law had greeted her, that her mother was on the war path again. She wondered briefly what they had done to her mother this time. She thought that her mom was just too hard on her brothers' wives, after all they were someone's daughters as well. Ironically, she didn't like it when her youngest sister Feyisayo was mistreated by her mother in law. African women. A bundle of contradictions. Wunmi stayed in the kitchen briefly, hoping that her presence would lessen the tension somewhat. But, after a while, she couldn't ...
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The Cheat Reflex.

So, as you my faithful reader (s?) may know, I have been struggling with  editing my second novel tentatively titled Cheat Reflex. I have stared at my screen for the past ten minutes, in between visits to facebook, SDK, and LIB. Still no idea what to write next so without further ado, here is an excerpt. Wunmi 2005 The first service at Salt of the Earth ministries was on fire that Sunday. God was present and Wunmi could feel His Holy Spirit moving. The pastor's message was on point as usual and she felt as if he had stolen her journal and was using her secret musings to preach. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.” The pastor’s voice was clear and sure. She did a quick scan of her section. Pastor Ejiro hated distractions, and Wunmi took her job as an usher seriously. She did not tolerate talking, crying babies, aimless walking abou...

Three months and two weeks later...

But who is counting? Sorry I vanished. I have no excuse. I am going to be changing the name of the blog soon, because I am moving back to Boston in July. I am very excited. I hope this excitement translates to a stronger commitment to writing. We shall see... Meanwhile, I am still editing! Pretending to edit. Ok, no longer editing or even writing. Just keeping it real.

Unlimited Love

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Ó le Kú...

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Writing Life

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Writing Life

Haven't really been writing much, despite my resolution and despite my desires. I did finally read all the way through my first draft of The Cheat Reflex (tentative title). It wasn't as cringe inducing as I thought it was. It is ironic to me that the first few sections which I had already edited and had worked on for several months before the challenge were actually worse than the unedited words that I wrote during the NaNoWriMo challenge. Those latter words felt more ... livelier. I guess because those words were coming straight out, and had eluded the great internal editor! I don't know. Anyway, the hard work is now ahead of me. Of course I am trying to avoid it by reading about the process instead of being about the process. Sigh. Meanwhile, I have to get my act together. My thought life is neglected, I really have to work hard this year on destroying my addiction to the gossip blogs. I have too little time and I must be very stingy with it. But, it's hard th...