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Showing posts from May, 2012

Thrifting Adventures.

Well this week has been good for me thrifting wise. I finally got a frame for my problem child. I was going to leap for an $8 one but I couldn't see myself paying that much, fortunately, it didn't seem like an easy frame to remove the picture from so I talked myself out of it. Then on a whim on Tuesday, I went back and I found the perfect frame for 4.99. I spray painted it black last night to match the rest of my framed objects in the space but of course I got spray on the plexi glass. But thanks to Ms. Google, I found a solution to that, nail polish remover, unfortunately, it got a bit cloudy plus in my overzealousness i cracked the plexiglass. Sigh. At least it removed the spray pain from my fingers. Oops, was supposed to use non acetone. oh well. hehe. Next google search... Go me, I remembered the before picture Problem child.I have spent way too much on you! First it was the wood that wouldn't fit. The canvas was uneven, fortunately I had black poster board ...

I need motivation

Stat. My goal was to look good for the wedding. Well, the wedding has come and gone. I have no desire to run or workout anymore. Or even to eat. This is not good. I need some motivation, ASAP, STAT, NOW, immediately. Help.

One weekend in Boston...

My much anticipated weekend in Boston finally arrived and ended too quickly.  The wedding was fun especially since for once I didn't have the stress of running around like a chicken with her head cut off. I just sat down, crossed my legs and looked very pretty in my outfit.  I reconnected with so many old friends that I grew up with. It was fun!  Outfit: aso ebi designed by my cuz. :) they are shorts! Bag: Asos Shoes : Wild Pair Bangles + Earrings: Chic Therapy . Random silver bangles Body by the Travelin' Trainers Church on Sunday was great. I went with my two sisters and their husbands to Jubilee . The message was on point. I need to make sure I get the tape so I can really pay attention. It was great to go to church as a family. Quick parallel, the church was so excited that the oldest son was coming to town to preach. The church was packed. My sisters were just as excited about my return, quiet as its kept. Well, parents are always excited, th...

Life's little ironies

I am going to be debt free this month . Yay. That massive debt that I started the year with will soon be no more by May ending . I thank God because He really helped me and was very understanding about a few things. I use a free little spreadsheet to make my monthly budget and also to make a list of all my consumer debt. I love it because I can see everything at a glance and I can calculate to my heart's contents within the program without having to drag out my calculator (the computer one lol of course.) After the church I currently attend did a two or three week sermon series on debt using Dave Ramsey's principles (it's called Life Church for a reason-so far every sermon has had real life applications for me), I changed two things in my spreadsheet. I introduced the red cells to mark out the debt I had completely paid off, and contrary to conventional wisdom, I paid off the lowest debt first. Dave Ramsey calls it the snowball effect. Thanks to my spreadsheet, I see ...

Give me your burdens.

Remember this post ? Well I finally made it to church on Sunday, and God told me very clearly this . The short version is this: " So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 NLT. So I gave Him all the things I had been accusing myself of, and took on His forgiveness. And I feel very light indeed , as I dance in the  unforced rhythms of grace .  .  God truly listens.   

Just thoughts in my head...

I wonder if doing a blog post can count as a morning page exercise. I didn't do my writing exercise yesterday and now I find myself reluctant to do one now. Instead, I've been perusing design blogs and whatnot. My plants are coming up so nicely. Did I mention that I planted some plants the other day? It will be three weeks this coming Sunday. I have pictures!! Am so excited. My little herb garden is sorta fluorishing. I might move them from the guest room to the patio. But really, I think the best light is in the guest room. The patio is forever shady. You can see the sun from the patio but it doesn't really beat down on the plants. Hope the plants there ontinue to grow. I really should have labeled the pots, now I don't know what is what. I know what I planted: yellow squash, mesclun, spinach, swiss chard, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi these are all in the blue and green barrels. $1 from dollar tree. As far as the hanging pots, I planted flowers. That's all I can say...

I'm so excited

I tasked myself this week with visiting a thrift store everyday this week. I had fallen out of the daily habit after I bought my armchair  because I was getting a bit out of control and I was supposed to be on a budget which was already in the red. I would drop in now and then and find some fabulous stuff. Like Easter Sunday, I was looking for a lamp and found a beautiful vase for my dining table. Or when I stopped by the Goodwill on McRae and I-10 where everything is 50% off (except furniture) and I found this amazing wall clock that was huge and had river/ocean background, or when I found my gold mirror for my entry way at the Goodwill on George Dieter. I should do a picture heavy post soon. Hmm, so much for my ban on thrifting. Actually, I think I had been going in once a week if I had time or was in the area. So yeah, I went on Monday and I found a headboard with 2 nightstands for $99! I was so amazed! I thought about it for about 2 minutes and bought it right there and t...