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Showing posts from October, 2011


How awesome is the google doodle for today! They just keep getting better and better. I feel so drained. Need to get started on my list of getting back my life but I feel so paralyzed. At least I worked out today, got thoroughly smoked. Have another session tonight. Have to start packing. In a minute.


I love that song.  Can't believe my time in Mia is slowly but very surely drawing to a close. I have spent most of the time I have left in a study haze. I have been living, breathing, and finally dreaming boards. By the end of the week, I would be so exhausted that I'd just sit on my couch doing absolutely nothing. My plans to visit the beach every sunday fell by the wayside. My workouts became very non-existent. All I had left was food, cooking became my creative outlet.  Hopefully all that focus will pay off on that very fateful day. I still have some gaps I hope to fill in by the end of this week. Mainly inborn errors, genetics and random stuff like that. I really don't want to leave Mia. But it seems almost inevitable. In my moments of heartbreak, when I was in my twenties, I'd imagine myself in a desert town with a baby daughter with two afro puffs. Truly. So who knows maybe my subconscious spoke el paso into existence. Although my desert was somewhere in t...